About Us
From the moment you find out you are pregnant your life is transformed. Mom-ID aims to work in partnership with you throughout your pregnancy, offering all of the services you will need including full antenatal care, your preferred or medically required delivery option and your postnatal care needs.
We believe companionship and non judmental support can increase parental confidence;
Bonding With Your Baby
We promotes interaction and bonding between parents and their infant;
Holistic Care
We promotes healing through holistic care to modern and traditional encourage a happy healthy bonding between MOM and BABY.
Mom-ID is equipped with tools to make you and your baby feel safe and comfortable. We understand this transition in your life and want you to know that you have professionals on your side, ready to lend a helping hand when you need it. We pride ourselves in good service.
Mom-ID offers prenatal treatment, antenatal classes & exercises, antenatal consultations, postnatal care, home visits with breastfeeding care, and education aimed at improving the mom and baby’s health. We believe that women should be in control of their own health including her birth experience.
“Giving birth is one of life’s greatest experiences. That is why we at Mom-ID work from the premise that it is important for all women to participate proactively, to have continuity and to be able to make decisions about their own pregnancy and birth. From your first visit to the care you will receive having had your baby, you will receive support, help and good advice from us. Emphasis on safety and quality as well as ensuring mothers-to-be have the most enjoyable pregnancy and memorable birthing experience. We put women at the center of their own maternity care and empower them to make decisions about how they want to give birth and to feel respected and supported at all times. There is growing evidence that having the same midwife from early pregnancy, through labor and birth until around six weeks after birth has significant and lasting health benefits for women, their babies and families.”
“Our promise to you: Confidentiality, Care, Love, Professionalism, and Honesty”
dr. Fakriantini, Sp.OG